Friday, April 19, 2013

Her Zaman Okuduğunuz Hürriyet'i Şimdi İzleyin

Hürriyet TV şimdi yayında.

Hürriyet TV’yi ziyaret edenler, aradıkları her şeyi artık tek tıkla seyredebilecekler. Hürriyet TV, zengin haber içeriğinin yanı sıra konusunda uzman isimlerle gerçekleştirdiği programlarla da dopdolu.

Hürriyet TV’de Berza Şimşek’ten günün mutlaka görülmesi gereken haberlerini izleyip usta gazeteci Sedat Ergin’den haftanın yorumunu alabilirsiniz. Üstelik gündemin özetini, Metehan Demir, 3 dakikada sizin için yorumluyor.

Burcunuzdaki yeni gelişmeleri merak ettiğinizde ise Susan Miller ile yıldızlara bakabilir, Sebla Kutsal ile dilediğiniz zaman, kültür ve sanat dünyasında keyifli bir yolculuğa çıkabilirsiniz.

Uğur Cebeci ise sivil havacılığın geldiği son noktayı size Kokpit’ten anlatıyor.

Magazinden spora, eğlenceden ekonomiye hepsi ve daha fazlası, sürekli güncellenen Hürriyet TV’de sizi bekliyor.

Bir bumads advertorial içeriğidir.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

head & shoulders Freestyle Akademi ile Güven Kendine, Geç Öne!

“Topla harikalar yaratırım çünkü özgüvenim tam” diyorsan, Yetenek Sizsiniz Türkiye Freestyle Özel programı ile freestyle yeteneğini tüm Türkiye’ye göstermeye hazırlan!

Hemen head & shoulders Freestyle Akademi ‘ye katıl, freestyle videonu paylaş. Kazanan 8 kişiden biri ol ve “Yetenek Sizsiniz Türkiye Freestyle Özel” TV programına çıkarak yeteneğini tüm Türkiye’ye gösterme fırsatı yakala!

Acun Ilıcalı, Sergen Yalçın ve dünyaca ünlü freestyle futbolcuları Billy ve Jeremy’den oluşan jüriye yeteneğini ve özgüvenini göster, güven kendine geç öne!

h&s freestyle
Bir bumads advertorial içeriğidir.

Friday, February 8, 2013

How do movies or TV affect people?

Every people tends to take some time off from his or her chores for laxation. Movies and television not only play a major role in get tiredness and boredom away from us but also these medias do influence the behaviours of human beings. I would like to approach unseen effects of the media on people.

People's lifes are not thrilling or charming as the lifes in movies and mostly people are not hero or so important person in their daily lifes. Students go to school, do their homework, eat , talk to friends, workers go to work, do their duties and go back to home. Before sleeping, people need to imagine their life better than recent. By the time television or movies wink their eyes with their impressive smile to people who need some anomalous circumstances. They start to watch them somehow and somewhat they attach them because heroes and heroines achieve major success of their business, attain their partner who they seeked for her or him entire their lifes and gain high respect of their fame so easily and rapidly. Consequently reel people become happy and succesful, this may elaborate on imaginary life. If Children and teenagers can not make contributions in their life, they will be frustrated person rest of their lifes. Even some adults share the same fate, either.

Humans are very emotional people. We like to laugh but some people like to cry. Some people needs a simple reason to cry, so they can find their needs in a sad movie. The other people need to laugh and they can find a comedy movie to have it. People supposed to get rid of stress of their lifes thus they watch comedy movies. For instance, i like to watch comedy movies in particular before a very hard exam night. It helps me to concentrate more after watching a comedy  movie. Because i can see the life is going on and realise there are thousand of reasons to smile.

In my childhood i had observed my environment; my relatives' jobs, people behaviours and movie characters. It was hard to see what will happen next on my relative's jobs but it was really easy to see how movie characters' jobs are. I could decide which i will be in the future. I  watched scientists, politicians, doctors, dentists, singers, engineers life. I saw my role model in the movies, how they act, what they wear, how they talk, what they do. I got some features from each and then i decided to be an engineer and now i am.

Finally, television or movies have so many useful advantages that improve human life and communities. On the other hand they bring about disadvantages when people do not get what they want from life.

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Audi'nin Muhteşem Otopark Sistemi

Günümüzün en önemli problemlerinden birisi insanların zamanının çok az olması. Kime sorsanız 24 saat yetmiyor, yapacak şey çok; şuraya gidemedim, şu diziyi-filmi izleyemedim, alışverişe çıkamadım diye yakınan insanların sayısı gün geçtikçe artıyor. Ama ellerde de birer telefon sosyal medya da sürekli kendini anlatan mesajlar. Telefonlar artık konuşmaktan çıktı, yazma meselesi haline geldi. İşi abartıp tuvalete girenler bile var aramızda.

Audi firması bu zamanlama problemini ortadan kaldırıp insanlara biraz da olsa zaman arttırmak ve bir yere gittiğimiz zaman park yeri arama sorunu yaşamayalım diye bize bir kıyak yapıp cep telefonundan bağlantı kurarak arabamızın otomatik olarak park edeceği bir sistem geliştirmiş. Yapılan denemelerde de çok güzel sonuçlar alınmış olup kısa zamanda kullanımda olacak bu tembelliğimize katkı sağlayan ve üstüne ekstra para ödeyeceğimiz teknoloji.

Reklam filminde bir bayan arabasını otopark girişinde durduruyor, arabayı kilitliyor ve cep telefonundan 'park' talimatı vererek arabasından uzaklaşıyor. Araba tekrar çalışıyor, içeri giriyor park edecek yer buluyor kendine güzelcene sonra da gözlerini kapatıp dinlenmeye geçiyor ta ki sahibi geri çağırına kadar. Reklam filminin sonunda araba tekrar çağırılıyor, Audi'nin gözleri tekrar canlanıyor, sahibine doğru yaklaşıyor ve duruyor. Mutlu Son!

Reklam filmi güzel olmuş, iyi düşünülmüş bir teknolojiyi ama asıl parmak bastığı nokta görüldüğünden çok daha farklı. Zaman kaybı sadece göstermelik bir şey, asıl amaç burada kadınların bir türlü arabayı park edememesi! Yollardaki bayanların sayısı baya bi arttı, aralarında gayet iyi olanları da var ama malesef büyük çoğunluğu park etmeyi bilmiyor. Bunun bilincinde olan Audi cinfikirliliğini yine gösterdi ve Türkiye pazarında da yoğun talep görecek bir teknolojiyi sunmaya hazırlanıyor ama çok geniş bir servis desteği sunması gerekiyor Türkiye'ye aksi taktirde aşağıdaki örnek gerçekleşebilir.

Alışveriş merkezinde arkadaşlarıyla buluşup alışveriş yapacak olan bayan arabasını otopark girişinde durdurur ve dışarı çıkar. Ama telefonu bir türlü arabasıyla bağlantı kuramaz ve bayan:

-Uff yine çalışmıyor bu lanet olası şey, park seçeneği yine görünmüyor, neden ben teknolojinin kurbanıyım,dur bi ben Ahmet'i arayım.ALOOO aşkımmm ya bu park sistemi çalışmıyor yine, en son sen ayarlamıştın ama yok yine gitmiş, sana yeni telefon alalım demiştim bak kaldım burda böyle otopark girişinde, arkadan arabalarda gelmeye başladı ne yapıcam şimdi ben çabuk bir şeyler söyle bana.

Arabanın arkasına başka bir araba gelir içeri girmek ister ama giremez, kesinkes o kişi erkektir ve doğal olarak bastırır kornaya hemencecik düdüüüüüüüt. Sonra pencere açılır ve kafa 35 derecelik açıyla dışarı sarkıtılır.

-Hanfendi arabayı ne bıraktın yolun ortasına, ben nasıl içeri giricem hiç mi düşünce yok be ablacım sende, çek hadi arabanı önümden.

Bayan telefonda konuşmaya devam eder.

-Ahmet bi tane adam geldi otoparka gircem diyo ne yapıcam şimdi ben, sinirlenmeye de başladı. Aşkım araban çıktı bana doğru geliyor adam, Aşkım,Aşkımmm......"

Reklam kolay uygulaması biraz zor! 

Güzel Sinyaller

Galatasaray'ın ilk 11'i maç öncesi akıllarda soru işareti bırakmıştı ama sahaya çıktığı andan itibaren isimlerin önemi kalmadı sistem çalışmaya başladı ve çalışan sistem erken golle taraftarın Sneijder heyecanına neşe kattı. Tabi bu gol için Samet Aybaba'nın inanılmaz hatalı taktiğini tebrik etmek gerekir. O olmasaydı Emre'nin dibinde en azından yakınlarında rahatsız edecek bir Hilbert olurdu.

İlk yarı bariz top üstünlüğü ile Galatasaray lehine devam ederken arada bir kaç dakikalık topu ayağında tutması bile Beşiktaş'ın seyirciyi delirtmesine neden oldu, müthiş bir ıslıklama sonucu oyuncular dayanamayıp tekrar geri verdiler Galatasaray'a topu, alın sizin olsun biz şut bile çekemiyoruz arada duran top olsun belki oradan gol buluruz dercesine ifadeyle. Kah Veli'nin sert müdahaleleri kah Necip'inkiler derken Emre yerde kaldı.Topun başında artık son serbest vuruşlarını kullanacak gibi gözüken Selçuk öyle bir orta yaptı ki İbrahim Toraman müthiş zıpladı ama marifet zıplamakta değil doğru yerde durmak, Riera durduğu yerden kafayla topu ağlara gönderdi.

İkinci yarı başında Galatasaraylı seyirciler yerine oturamadan gol atalım yoksa ıslıklarlar bizi gol falan atamayız diye düşünmüş olsa ki Beşiktaşlı oyuncular bir geldiler korner kafa gol üçlemesini yapıp kaçıverdiler sahalarına ıslıklar başlayamadan. Sonra maçın devamı aynı geçti, top Galatasaray'daydı geçen sezon olduğu gibi hatta Melo bile kondisyonu yerine getirmiş vay be adam her yerde diyordum. Fatih Terim gaza gelip Melo koşuyor onun önüne de Sneijder'i de koyayım da o da alışsın bizim Aslanlara diye bir oyuncu değişikliği yaptı, Samet Hoca altta kalır mı bi ıslık çaktı Lucescu'dan Türkiye ile ilgili bir çok taktik alan taklitçi yada tiyatrocu kılıklı Dentinho fırladı girdi sahaya.

Bir kaç dakika geçti, yine bir faul daha aldı Melo, sinirlenmedi aferin dediğim anda, Necip bir şeyler söyledi hakemin dibinde Melo'ya faul yaptığı halde, sinirlenmedi dediğimiz Melo sinirlendi, Oğuzhan avukatlık görevi görmek amaçlı Melo'nun karşısında dikildi olan oldu Melo tükürdü tükürmedi derken ortalık karıştı,bizim Kalfa hakemimizde kulaklıktan iletişim teknolojisine alışmaya çalışıyor, elini kapatarak konuşan yardımcı hakemin suratına bakıyor, görevini unutup. Kulağınla duyuyorsun senin görevin oyuncuları yatıştırmak! Oyuncuların arasından uzaklaştı kim ne yapıyor bakmadı bile Melo adını duydu heyecanlı tabi, kırmızı kart gösterecekti Melo'ya gerisinin ne önemi varki, bu haftanın tartışılan kararında yer alacaktı arada bir kaç tane sarı kart kaçırsa ne fark ederdi ki ona göre. Melo gel gel hehey, al sana bir kırmızı şimdi yürü git dışarı gözüm görmesin seni, iyi oynadın ama profesyonel değilsin koçum hemen parladın bende sana kırmızıyı yapıştırdım burası Türkiye provokasyona gelirsen böyle bende gösteririm kırmızımı. Fatih Hoca da gaza gelmenin cezasını çekti bir nevi kondisyonsuz Sneijder koşamayacak yorgun adam ortalarda sahipsiz kaldı elinden tutan olmadı. Hatta dur sen pas atma öne diye Elmander'de çıktı oyundan hem öksüz hem yetim kaldı Pastanın Portakalı.

Maçın geri kalanı 10 kişilik Beşiktaş'ın 11 kişilik Galatasaray'a karşı mücadelesi gibi geçti. Her takıma çok pozisyon verdiren Beşiktaş 10 kişi kalmanın da verdiği etkiyle pozisyon üretemedi. Hatta pozisyonlar verdi çok şanslılardı ki hala şu gol atma başarısını gösteremeyen bunu da kendine feci dert eden Türk ama Türkiye'yi görünce psikolojik sorunlar yaşamaya başlayan Hamit vardı sahada  ve pozisyonlarda.

Maç sonu Galatasaraylılar memnun. Beşiktaşlılar ise 'Galatasaray iyi takım ama' diye kendilerini teselli ettiler.

Melo yine damgasını vurdu bir Beşiktaş maçına daha ilk yarı da vay be şu kardeşliğe bak Riera'yla bile Melo'nun arası iyi derken. Kendisini yine hayal kırıklığına uğrattığı Fatih Terim'i elinin tersiyle itip kayboldu Melo. Yine Şampiyonlar Liginde kondisyonsuz bir Melo Schalke maçında sahada yer alabilir kafalardaki soru işaretleriyle.

Uzun zamandır görmediğimiz güzel top tutma oyunu ve maç başı uzun zamandır Arenada göremediğimiz konfetiler vardı sahada. Takım genel olarak güzel sinyaller verdi ama bireysel performanslara bakınca pek de hoş gözükmüyor. Adaptasyon süreci  arka arkaya problemler yaratabilir  özellikle deplasman maçlarında. Sneijder heyecan verirken puan kayıpları da verdirtebilir arka arkaya.  

Friday, January 25, 2013

Toefl Writing Questions

Toefl Speaking Questions

Toefl Word List

  1. Abate – Verb – To lessen, to subside : azalmak
  2. Abet  - V – To help, to aid : yardım etmek
  3. Abhor – V – To hate, to detest : nefret etmek
  4. Abject – Adj. – miserable, wretched: sefil, perişan
  5. Abruptly – Adv.- suddenly, unexpectedly: aniden, beklenmedik bir şekilde
  6. Absorbed – Adj.- interested, engrossed: kendini fazlaca bir işe kaptırmış
  7. Absurdly – Adverb – Ridiculously, unreasonably
    1. The man laughed absurdly and the joke wasn’t even funny.
  8. Abundant – Adv.- plentiful: bol
  9. Abuse – Verb – To injure, damage or improperly uses
    1. It is wrong to abuse animals.
  10. Accessible – Adjective – Able to be reached
    1. The bus is accessible to all Ann Arbor residents.
  11. Accomplice – N – one who aids and abets a criminal: suç ortağı
  12. Accost – V- to meet someone and to speak first: yanına gidip konuşmak
  13. Accurate –N- correct: doğru
  14. Acrid – Adj.-sharp, bitter: keskin , acı
  15. Accuracy – Noun – Correct, free from mistake
    1. Accuracy is important when you type.
  16. Acquire – Verb – To come into possession of, to get
    1. I acquired my father’s car after his death.
  17. Adapt – Verb – To make fit, often by modification, adjust
    1. It is important to adapt your clothing to the weather.        
  18. Adjacent – Adjective – Nearby, next to
    1. My pen is adjacent to my book.
  19. Adjusting – Verb – Changing or resolving to conform
    1. I am adjusting my schedule so that I can go on vacation.
  20. Administer – Verb – To manage or supervise the use of something
    1. I administer the office supplies at work.
  21. Adolescent – Noun – The age between puberty and maturity, teenager
    1. Adolescents are often sad.
  22. Adopt – Verb – To take up or take on by choice
    1. You should adopt a new hobby.
  23. Adverse – Adjective – To act opposite of a direction
    1. Most people learn from adverse situations. 
  24. Advocate – Verb – To plead in favor of (Noun – Someone who pleads in favor of)
    1. I advocate for animal rights.
  25. Affinity – Noun – An attraction
    1. I have an affinity for chocolate.
  26. Affluent – Adjective – Having an abundance
    1. Not many tutors are affluent.
  27. Ailment – Noun – A bodily disorder or chronic disease
    1. What ailment do you have?

  1. Alliance – Noun – Connection, association
    1. I have made an alliance with my neighbors.
  2. Allot – Verb – To give a portion
    1. I will allot 90 minutes to our studies.
  3. Amenities – Noun – Something that creates a feeling of comfort or convenience
    1. The amenities in the hotel were great!
  4. Amicable – Adjective – Peaceful, friendly
    1. The divorce was amicable.
  5. Amiss – Adjective – Not being right, faulty
    1. Something is amiss in this room.
  6. Antagonist – Noun – Adversary, opponent
    1. Jeff is my antagonist at work.
  7. Anticipate – Verb – To give advanced thought, treatment or feeling, to foresee
    1. I anticipated your need for sentences.
  8. Apathy – Noun – A lack of feeling or emotion, indifference
    1. Apathy is common among teenagers.
  9. Appalled – Verb – To feel shock or disgust
    1. I am appalled by his lack of hygiene.
  10. Appease – Verb – To pacify
    1. I want to appease the angry man.
  11. Aptitude – Noun – Natural ability, tendency
    1. You have an aptitude for sports.
  12. Aromatic – Adjective – Having a strong smell, fragrant
    1. The candles were very aromatic.
  13. Assets – Noun – The resources/property of a person, business or association
    1. My house is my greatest asset.         
  14. Atmospheric – Adjective – Relating to or resembling the air surrounding the earth
    1. The atmospheric conditions today make it seem like spring.
  15. Attract – Verb – To draw toward oneself
    1. My garden attracts many butterflies.
  16. Attribute – Noun – An inherent characteristic or quality
    1. What is your best attribute?
  17. Audible – Adjective – Able to be heard
    1. The TV is barely audible, please turn it up.
  18. Augment – Verb – To make greater or more intense
    1. It is important to augment tutoring with home study time.
  19. Autonomous – Adjective – Self governing
    1. Our tutoring sessions are autonomous.
  20. Averse – Adjective – Undesirable
    1. An averse outcome to bad weather is the flu.
  21. Avid – Adjective – Characterized by enthusiasm
    1. I am an avid pet owner.
  22. Aware – Adjective – Having perception, knowledge or watchfulness
    1. Are you aware of the noise in this room?
  23. Awkwardly – Adverb – Lacking in grace or dexterity
    1. I awkwardly introduced myself last night.

  1. Behave – Verb – To conduct yourself properly
    1. It is important for children to behave in public.
  2. Betrayed – Verb – To fail a trust or promise, a traitor
    1. Divorce is common if a person is betrayed by their spouse.
  3. Binoculars – Noun – An instrument for seeing far off objects
    1. You should use binoculars to watch birds.
  4. Bipartisan – Adjective – Involving members of two opposing parties
    1. Issues like the environment should be bipartisan.
  5. Blizzard – Noun – Severe snowstorm
    1. We only had one blizzard this winter.
  6. Bounce – Verb – To cause to rebound
    1. Children like to bounce balls.
  7. Boundary – Noun – A separating line, something that indicates fixed limits
    1. The US and Canada share a boundary.
  8. Bountiful – Adjective – Having a lot, plentiful
    1. Trees are bountiful in Ann Arbor.
  9. Brief – Adjective – Short length or duration, concise (Noun – official letter/ruling)
    1. Give a brief summary of this book.
  10. Brink – Noun – The top edge of a steep place
    1. I am at the brink of the cliff.
  11. Callous – Adjective – Hardened or thick skinned
    1. I have a callous on my hand.
  12. Capitulate – Verb – To give up or cease resisting
    1. I will never capitulate to people who are dishonest.
  13. Catastrophic – Adjective – The final dramatic or tragic event
    1. The death of a child is catastrophic.
  14. Cessation – N – To stop
    1. Smoking cessation products are expensive.
  15. Chagrin – Noun – Distressed by humiliation, disappointment or failure
    1. My dog is chagrin when he gets in trouble.
  16. Chore – Noun – A routine task or job
    1. Many children have chores around the house.
  17. Circumvent – Verb – To avoid or bypass often in decision making
    1. Don’t try to circumvent your boss.
  18. Citrus – Noun – The group of fruits that includes oranges, lemons, grapefruit, etc.
    1. Did you plant that citrus tree?
  19. Clarify – Verb – To make understood
    1. Let me clarify what I meant.
  20. Classified – Verb – To arrange in categories
    1. I classified all my clothes by colors.
  21. Claustrophobia – Noun – Extreme or abnormal fear of being in small spaces
    1. Claustrophobia effects many people.
  22. Clientele – Noun – A group of clients
    1. My clientele is not rich.
  1. Coax – Verb – To gently influence by flattery
    1. I tried to coax my dog out in the rain.
  2. Collaborate – Verb – To work with others, usually in an intellectual endeavor
    1. We should collaborate on the direction of your studies.
  3. Collate – Verb – To collect, compile or arrange in order
    1. I collated the documents.
  4. Combat – Verb – To struggle against or fight
    1. I want to combat mosquitoes in my yard.
  5. Commendable – Adjective -- Praiseworthy
    1. Your work is commendable.
  6. Commuter – Noun – Someone in the act of traveling
    1. I don’t live in the dorms, I’m a commuter student.
  7. Compare – Verb – To examine in order to find similarities and differences
    1. You should compare prices when you shop.
  8. Compatible – Adjective – Able to exist in harmony
    1. Are you and your wife compatible?
  9. Compete – Verb – To strive for an object or win, such as position, profit or prize
    1. Will you compete in the Olympics this year?
  10. Complacent – Adjective – Unconcerned
    1. Tutors are not complacent about their teaching.
  11. Complement – Noun – Counterpart, something that makes perfect or completes
    1. You spouse is your greatest complement.
  12. Complexity – Noun – The quality of being complicated
    1. The complexity of your vocabulary is impressive.
  13. Compliant – Adjective – To conform to another’s wishes, to obey
    1. You are a compliant student.
  14. Compliment – Noun – A flattering remark, expression of esteem, respect
    1. May I compliment you on your food.
  15. Component – Noun – A part or piece
    1. Only one component on the refrigerator is broken.
  16. Comprehendible – Adjective – Able to be understood
    1. All these sentences are comprehendible.
  17. Concentrate – Verb – To gather or collect focus
    1. You must concentrate when the TV is on.
  18. Concise – Adjective – Brief or succinct, not detailed
    1. Please be concise in explaining your job.
  19. Confer – Verb – To consult or come together to compare opinions
    1. I will confer with my family before making plans.
  20. Confide – Verb – To trust or share secrets
    1. You should confide in your spouse.
  21. Consensus – Noun – Group agreement on a belief
    1. The consensus is that we should not use workbooks.
  22. Consequent – Adjective – Following as a result of or effect of
    1. My consequent actions are your fault.         
  1. Conservative – Adjective – Tending to maintain existing conditions, traditional
    1. Republicans are conservatives.
  2. Consistent – Adjective – Free from irregularity
    1. You must be consistent when you vote.
  3. Consolidate – Verb – To unite or join together
    1. If partners consolidate their assets, they can often afford early retirement.
  4. Consumed – Verb – To eat or drink or use up, often in great quantity
    1. I consumed half the cake on my birthday.
  5. Contentment – Noun – Free from care or discomfort
    1. I am content to own a home.
  6. Contrary – Noun – The opposite
    1. Contrary to popular belief, not all Americans are Christians.
  7. Controversy – Noun – A disagreement, dispute
    1. The controversy over gay marriage will be important in November.
  8. Council – Noun – A group elected or appointed as an administrative body
    1. I am a member of the city council.
  9. Counsel – Verb – To advise or give suggestion
    1. I would counsel you to attend University of Michigan.
  10. Crucial – Adjective -- Essential
    1. This is a crucial point in your lesson.
  11. Cuisine – Noun – A style of cooking
    1. I enjoy restaurants that serve Italian cuisine.
  12. Culminate – Verb – To reach a decisive point
    1. Our lesson will culminate in improving your English.
  13. Currently – Adverb – Happening now
    1. Currently, I have only 3 students.
  14. Cynical – Adjective – An attitude that is distrustful of life and human nature
    1. I am not a cynical person.
109.                     Damage – Noun – Loss or harm resulting from injury to person, property or reputation
a.       Please don’t damage the library book.
  1. Debris – Noun – The remains of something broken down or destroyed; ruins
    1. Carry the debris out to the garbage.
  2. Decade – Noun – A period of ten years
    1. It has been a decade since I’ve seen my friend.
  3. Deceased – Adjective – Not living
    1. My father is deceased.
  4. Deed – Noun – A notable act, a feat
    1. My deeds will make me famous.
  5. Deficiency – Noun – Not up to the normal standard, defective, inadequate
    1. His deficiency is well known.
  6. Deliberately – Adjective -- Intentionally
    1. I did not deliberately drop the box.
  7. Dependent – Adjective – Relying on another for support
    1. I am not dependent on anyone.
  8. Deplorable – Adjective – Bad or awful
    1. His deplorable actions caused a fight.
  9. Despite – Preposition – In spite of or without regard to
    1. Despite my worry, nothing bad happened.
  10. Detrimental – Adjective – Harmful
    1. Cocaine is detrimental to your health.
  11. Devastate – Verb – To ruin or reduce to chaos
    1. War devastated my home town.
  12. Devised – Verb – To plot or invent
    1. We must devise a way to win the election.
  13. Dilemma – Noun – A choice or situation involving equally unsatisfactory alternatives
    1. You will have a dilemma if you are accepted to two schools.
  14. Diligent – Adjective – Earnest, steady effort
    1. I will be diligent in studying for the TOEFL.
  15. Direct – Verb – To show, point out or encourage to move
    1. Please direct me to the bathroom.
  16. Disconcerting – Adjective – Upset or lose composure
    1. It is disconcerting that diligence doesn’t always help.
  17. Dispense – Verb – To give out a portion
    1. Please dispense the papers to the class.
  18. Disperse – Verb – To spread, break up or distribute
    1. Please disperse these seeds in the garden.
  19. Disposal – Noun – To have on hand or available
    1. Diet Pepsi is always at my disposal.
  20. Disreputable – Adjective – Having a negative reputation
    1. Many employers are disreputable.
  21. Dissent – Verb – To differ in opinion
    1. There was dissent among the employees.
  22. Dissolve – Verb – To make into a solution, to melt
    1. Dissolve the powder in water before serving.
  23. Donate – Verb – To make a gift, most often to a public or charitable cause
    1. Do you donate your time as a volunteer?
  24. Drag – Verb – To pull slowly or heavily
    1. I had to drag myself out of bed this morning.
  25. Easygoing – Adjective – Comfortable, unhurried, taking life easy
    1. I appreciate easygoing people.
  26. Elapse – Verb – To pass or slip away
    1. The time elapsed to bring the felon to justice.
  27. Elicit – Verb – To draw out or request
    1. I will elicit information from the employees.
  28. Eliminate – Verb – To get rid of
    1. You should eliminate all worry from your mind or you won’t get any sleep.
  29. Emigrate – Verb – To leave one’s home or country for a life elsewhere
    1. I emigrated from Turkey.
  30. Encroach – Verb – To advance past the usual limits, to trespass
    1. The border of Israel is encroaching upon Palastine.
  31. Enhance – Verb – To make greater
    1. I want to enhance my vocabulary.
  32. Entice – Verb – To tempt, arouse hope or desire
    1. Can I entice you to buy cookies?
  33. Equitable – Adjective – Exhibiting fairness
    1. My pay is not equitable to the other employees.
  34. Escalate – Verb – To increase in volume or intensity
    1. I don’t want our argument to escalate.
  35. Evasive – Adjective – Tending to avoid
    1. Criminals are evasive.
  36. Exceed – Verb – To go above or beyond the expected limit
    1. The total exceeds my ability to pay.
  37. Excluded – Verb – To stop from participating
a.       Women are excluded from being Priest.
  1. Exhilaration – Noun – Feeling of extreme excitement
    1. I was exhilarated during the last football game.
  2. Explicit – Adjective – Unreserved and unambiguous, free from vagueness
    1. I was explicit in my directions.
  3. Extravagant – Adjective – Excessively elaborate
    1. I made an extravagant purchase today.
  4. Fad – Noun – A practice or interest followed for a short time with exaggerated
    1. enthusiasm
    2. These jeans are a fad.
  5. Fee – Noun – A fixed charge for an item or service
    1. There is a fee for the taxi.
  6. Ferocious – Adjective – Exhibiting fierceness and the potential for violence
    1. Few dogs are ferocious.
  7. Fierce – Adjective – Aggressive, vehement
    1. We had a fierce discussion about the President’s decision.
  8. Flirtatious – Adjective – Inclined to show superficial interest or liking
    1. My husband is not flirtatious.
  9. Formerly – Adverb – Previously
    1. I formerly lived in Ann Arbor.
  10. Forte – Noun – One’s strong point or niche
    1. The game of poker is not my forte.

  1. Forthcoming – Adjective – About to appear
    1. My ideas are forthcoming.
  2. Frugal – Adjective – Economically spending resources
    1. I am very frugal with my money.
  3. Furnace – Noun – A mechanical device in a home which produces heat
    1. My furnace has never broken down.
  4. Futile – Adjective – Of no useful purpose
    1. It is futile to try and save this animal.
  5. Gourmet – Noun – An expert in food and wine
    1. He is a French gourmet.
  6. Gracious – Adjective – Marked by kindness and courtesy
    1. Your invitation was very gracious.
  7. Grievous – Adjective – Serious, grave, oppressive
    1. Many customers have grievous concerns about this restaurant.
  8. Habitat – Noun – The place or type of area where a plant or animal normally lives
    1. The wolf’s habitat is being distroyed.
  9. Halt – Verb – To stop
    1. The deputy told me to halt before putting on the handcuffs.
  10. Hazardous – Adjective – Risky or potentially dangerous
    1. Driving can be hazardous in the winter.
  11. Humble – Adjective – Not proud, not arrogant
    1. The humble person often learns the most.
  12. Illicit – Adjective – Outside the law
    1. Do you sell illicit drugs?
  13. Illiterate – Adjective – Unable to read or write
    1. How many adults are illiterate in your country?
  14. Illusion – Noun – A misleading image or vision
    1. There is an illusion that all Americans are wealthy.
  15. Immigrate – V- To enter and become established, often in a country where you are
    1.       I want to immigrate to the Hungary.
  16. Immobile – Adjective – Unable to move
    1. You should stay immobile while I throw this knife.
  17. Immodest – Adjective – Indecent, not dressing or behaving in the proper way
    1. When you dress immodestly, men get the wrong idea.
  18. Impartial – Adjective – Not biased, treating all equally
    1. It is important to have an impartial judge.
  19. Impasse – Noun – A problem with no obvious conclusion
    1. We came to an impasse at the meeting.
  20. Impediment – Noun – Something that interferes or slows progress
    1. A boyfriend can be an impediment to studying.
  21. Implement – Verb – To accomplish or carry out
    1. I would like to implement a new rule.
  22. Implicit – Adjective – Being without doubt or reserve, unquestioning
    1. Honesty is an implicit aspect of my character.
  23. Imply – Verb – To express indirectly
    1. Are you implying that I lied?
  24. Inadequate – Adjective – Not sufficient
    1. I feel my explanation was inadequate.
  25. Incalculable – Adjective – Not able to predict
    1. There is an incalculable cost to legalizing abortion.
  26. Incapable – Adjective – Lacking ability
    1. I am incapable of learning Chinese.
  27. Incentive – Noun – Something that encourages an action or behavior
    1. I’ll give you an incentive to do a better job.
  28. Incessant – Adjective – Continuous without interruption
    1. The garrulous woman spoke incessantly.
  29. Incoherent – Adjective – Disorganized, lacking in continuity, unable to understand
    1. If you are very sick, you may become incoherent.
  30. Incompetent – Adjective – Not effective, inadequate
    1. I am not incompetent.
  31. Indicative – Adjective – Serving as a sign or symbol
    1. A cough is indicative of a cold.
  32. Inept – Adjective – Unfit, lacking in fitness or aptitude, incompetent
    1. My secretary is very inept.
  33. Inequitable – Adjective -- Unfair
    1. The pay raise was inequitable.
  34. Inevitable – Adjective – Unable to be avoided or evaded
    1. It is inevitable that you will die.
  35. Infallible – Adjective – Incapable of error
    1. The Bible is said to be infallible.
  36. Infection – Noun – Contamination often resulting from injury
    1. I do not have an infection.
  37. Infringe – Verb – To encroach or trespass
    1. I don’t want to infringe on your space, but can I set my pop here?
  38. Infuriate – Verb – To make extremely angry
    1. My son infuriates me when he comes home late.
  39. Initiate – Verb – To facilitate the beginning of
    1. I will initiate you into Washtenaw Literacy.
  40. Insert – Verb – To put, add or thrust in
    1. I’d like to insert one idea.
  41. Instability – Noun – Being not permanent, reliable or consistent; easily collapsed
    1. Instability in a building can be caused by fire or earthquake.

  1. Insurgent – Noun – A person who revolts against an established authority
    1. The insurgent killed many police.
  2. Intend – Verb – Signify or mean
    1. I intend to complain to your manager.
  3. Interacting – Verb – To act on each other
    1. I enjoy interacting with people from other countries.
  4. Interim – Adverb – Temporary, the time between two things
    1. In the interim, I will read.
  5. Interrupt – Verb – To stop by breaking in
    1. I don’t mean to interrupt, but can I ask a question now?
  6. Intimate – Adjective – Close association, contact or familiarity
    1. My friends know the most intimate details of my life.
  7. Intricate – Adjective – Complicated; having many parts
    1. Your necklace is very intricate!
  8. Inundate – Verb – To overwhelm or overflow
    1. I am inundated at work so won’t be home until late tonight.
  9. Invincible – Adjective – Unable to be conquered
    1. Many heroes seem invincible.
  10. Irreparable – Adjective – Not able to fix
    1. You have done irreparable damage to the car.
  11. Judicious – Adverb – Having or exercising careful thinking or opinion
    1. Use a judicious amount of garlic when cooking.
  12. Lack – Verb – To be without
    1. I lack the skill to connect the electricity in the house.
  13. Landlord – Noun – The owner of a property which is rented
    1. My landlord is very fair.
  14. Landmark – Noun – A conspicuous object on land that marks a place
    1. The Quad is a landmark on campus.
  15. Lease – Noun – The contract showing a rental agreement
    1. Do you have a lease for your apartment?
  16. Legislate – Verb – To make or enact laws
    1. We often legislate moral decisions.
  17. Lenient – Adjective – Of mild or tolerant disposition
    1. My parents were very lenient when I was young.
  18. Litigation – Noun – A legal contest
    1. Litigation is very expensive.
  19. Lobster – Noun – Edible seafood with big claws
a.       I love lobster ravioli.
  1. Longevity – Noun – The length of life
    1. Longevity can be increased by proper diet and exercise.
  2. Lucrative – Adjective – Producing well, profitable
    1. A career in law is very lucrative.
  3. Mature – Adjective – Beyond the growth phase of life; ripe; adult
    1. The tree is not mature yet.
  4. Meander – Verb – To wander
    1. I like to meander when I shop.
  5. Mediocre – Adjective – Of average quality; ordinary
    1. It is better to be bad at something than mediocre.
  6. Militant – Adjective – Actively aggressive; combative
    1. Some countries are more militant than others.
  7. Monosyllabic – Adjective – One syllable, conspicuously brief
    1. Teenagers will often use monosyllabic speech.
  8. Monotheist – Noun – A person who believes in one God
    1. Many religions are monotheistic.
  9. Multilingual – Adjective Having more than one language
    1. Did you receive a multilingual education?
  10. Negate – Verb – To deny the truth or existence of
    1. I don’t want to negate you idea, but it is wrong.
  11. Negligent – Adjective – Typically careless or deficient in performing duties 
    1. I was negligent in not adding more water to the pot.
  12. Nevertheless – Adverb – In spite of, however
    1. Nevertheless, I like bright colors.
  13. Nonchalant – Adjective – Unworried, unconcerned
    1. I don’t know how you can be so nonchalant about your score.
  14. Notorious – Adjective – Generally known and talked about; implies negative
    1. My father was notorious for his wit.
  15. Obituary – Noun – The notice of a person’s death, usually includes a short biographical
    1. account
    2. Did you read the obituary in today’s paper?
  16. Obnoxious – Adjective -- Disgusting
    1. My neighbor is so obnoxious.
  17. Observe – Verb – To inspect or take note of
    1. Did you observe the man stealing the money?
  18. Occur – Verb – To take place or happen
    1. It occurred on April 5th, 1975.
  19. Ostentatious – Adjective – Often engaging in a showy or conspicuous display
    1. The jewelry is very ostentatious.
  20. Ought – Auxiliary Verb – Used to express obligation
    1. You ought to rake your lawn this week.
  21. Overdo – Verb – To do in excess
    1. Don’t overdo it when you are sick.
  22. Overgrown – Verb – To grow or expand beyond the normal limits
    1. The bush is overgrown.
  23. Pace – Verb – To proceed at a measured speed
    1. Be sure to pace yourself or you will run out of energy before you have completed
    2. the task.
  24. Palatial – Adjective – Magnificent, suitable to a palace
    1. Weber’s is a palatial hotel.
  25. Pamper – Verb – To treat with extreme care and attention
    1. You should pamper children when they are sick.

  1. Panacea – Noun – A cure all; a remedy for all difficulties
    1. Money is not a panacea.
  2. Paramount – Adjective – Superior to all others; supreme
    1. The paramount hotel in Ann Arbor is Weber’s.
  3. Participants – Noun – People who take part in an activity
    1. Participants in English class are often happy.
  4. Permeate – Verb – To spread throughout
    1. The odor of garlic permeates the kitchen when you cook.
  5. Pertinent – Adjective – Having importance or clear relevance
    1. This idea is not pertinent to our problem.
  6. Placidly – Adverb – Free from interruption or disturbance; quietly
    1. I placidly waited for the bus.
  7. Polytheist – Noun – A person who believes in multiple Gods
    1. Few people are polytheists.
  8. Potency – Noun – Being forceful or powerful
    1. The potency of my soup has not been tasted.
  9. Potpourri – Noun – A scented mixture of flowers, herbs and spices
    1. Do you like potpourri?
  10. Precedence – Noun – The priority of importance
    1. There is no precedence for giving you vacation.
  11. Predecessor – Noun – The person who previously occupied a position or office
    1. My predecessor was a good organizer.
  12. Predicament – Noun – A difficult, confusing or trying situation
    1. My predicament is causing me to lose sleep at night.
  13. Predict – Verb – To foretell or declare in advance
    1. I often can predict the weather.
  14. Pride – Noun – A reasonable or justifiable self respect
    1. Pride can be unbecoming.
  15. Processing – Verb – Gradual changing to produce a particular result
    1. I am processing your request.
  16. Profound – Adjective – Having intellectual depth and insight
    1. This idea is profound.
  17. Prohibit – Verb – To forbid by authority
    1. You should prohibit the children from jumping on the bed.
  18. Prolific – Adjective – Productive or fruitful
    1. He is a prolific writer.
  19. Proponents – Noun – One who argues in favor of something; advocate
    1. I am a proponent of animal rights.
  20. Propose – Verb – To offer up a suggestion
    1. I’d like to propose a solution.
  21. Rapport – Noun – A relationship marked by comfort and harmony
    1. I have a good rapport with my relatives.
  22. Ravage – Verb – To be violent and destructive
    1. My dog ravaged my garden this summer.
  23. Receive – Verb – To acquire or come into the possession of
    1. Did you receive my email?
  24. Refer – Verb – To have a connection to; related
    1. You should refer him to your manager.
  25. Reimbursement – Noun – To repay someone for the equivalent amount spent
    1. I expect reimbursement for these expenses.
  26. Rejuvenating – Verb – To restore to a younger or newer state
    1. A bath can be very rejuvenating.
  27. Relentless – Adjective -- Persistent
    1. My cat is relentless when she wants attention.
  28. Resilient – Adjective – Tending to recover or adjust easily; capable of withstanding
    1. shock
    2. Children are very resilient.
  29. Reverberate – Verb – To echo
    1. The sound reverberates in my room.
  30. Roots – Noun – The original source or underground part of a plant or tree
    1. The roots of the tree are huge.
  31. Rudimentary – Adjective – Consisting of the first or primary principles
    1. Spelling is rudimentary to writing.
  32. Ruthless – Adjective – Having no compassion for the misery of others; without
    1. sympathy
    2. My boss is ruthless in his business practices.
274.                     Sage – Noun/Adjective – Someone who is wise through reflection/experience
a.       In all your sage knowledge, what is the meaning of life?
275.                     Sane – Adjective – Antonym of crazy
a.       The crazy man said, “you are wrong, I am sane!”
276.                     Sardonic – Adjective – Mocking; disdainfully humorous; sarcastic
a.       I don’t appreciate your sardonic joke!
277.                     Scold – Verb – To rebuke or reproach; to find fault in words
a.       I scolded my daughter for telling a lie.
278.                     Screwdriver – Noun – A hand held tool
a.       Give me a screwdriver to fix this box.
279.                     Segregation – Noun – The separation or isolation of people based on race, class
a.       or ethnic group
b.      Segregation has been illegal in the US since the fifties.
280.                     Semblance – Noun – The outward appearance of
a.       There is a semblance of order in most classrooms.
281.                     Skeptical – Adjective – Characterized by an attitude of doubt or uncertainty
a.       I am skeptical of all “get rich quick” deals.
282.                     Soaring – Verb -- Flying
a.       The soaring bird was very graceful.
283.                     Solidify – Verb – To make solid, compact or hard
a.       We will solidify our relationship by marrying.
284.                     Stereotype – Noun – A general opinion of members of a particular group that
a.       represents an oversimplified attitude
b.      The stereotype of Americans is that we are all rich.

285.                     Stirred – Verb – A slight movement that mixes, agitates or provokes
a.       Please stir the ingredients in this bowl.
286.                     Strenuously – Adjective – Vigorously active; calls for stamina
a.       I strenuously object to your use of vocabulary.
287.                     Submissive – Adjective – Submitting to others; tame
a.       Most woman are expected to be submissive to their husbands.
288.                     Subtle – Adjective – A small difference; delicate
a.       The subtle taste of pork in the dinner was overlooked.
289.                     Suffice – Verb – To satisfy a need; to be sufficient
a.       Suffice it to say, you have worked hard to pass toefl.
290.                     Superficial – Adjective – Of or relating to the surface; shallow
a.       My relationship with him is very superficial.
291.                     Superstition – Noun – A belief or practice resulting from ignorance, fear, trust in
a.       magic or chance
b.      Many Americans believe the superstition that 13 is an unlucky number.
292.                     Synopsis – Noun – A condensed version
a.       Please give a synopsis of the book you read.
293.                     Taint – Verb – To spoil or corrupt
a.       The cheese tastes tainted.
294.                     Temporary – Adjective – Lasting a short time; opposite of permanent
a.       My job is only temporary.
295.                     Tenacious – Adjective – Strong or tough; not easily distracted or confused
a.       Many wild animals are tenacious.
296.                     Timid – Adjective – Lacking in boldness or self confidence
a.       Many children are timid around adults.
297.                     Tolerate – Verb – To endure without injury or contradiction
a.       I will not tolerate your behavior.
298.                     Transplant – Verb – To remove from one place and settle in to another
a.       I need to transplant this tree to another spot in the yard.
299.                     Treat – Verb – To deal with or handle
a.       I will treat you with respect only if you respect me.
300.                     Tremble – Verb – To shake or shiver involuntarily
a.       When I am frightened, I tremble.
301.                     Tremendous – Adjective – Astonishing by reason of extreme greatness,
a.       excellence, size or power
b.      You have made me tremendously happy.
302.                     Ultimately – Adverb – In the end; finally
a.       Ultimately, you will learn English.
303.                     Uncompromising – Adjective – Inflexible; not willing to make concessions
a.       I am uncompromising in my expectations that you study at home.
304.                     Unerring – Adjective – Without mistakes; faultless
a.       Many people believe the bible is unerring.
305.                     Unilateral – Adjective – Done by one person or party
a.       The US often makes unilateral decisions.
306.                     Unlikely – Adjective -- Improbable
a.       It is unlikely to have two car accidents in one week.
307.                     Urban – Adjective – Of or relating to the city
a.       I live in an urban area.
308.                     Vague – Adjective – Not clearly defined; not having a precise meaning
a.       There is a vague difference between “vague” and “subtle”.
309.                     Vast – Adjective – Great in size, amount or degree
a.       The US is vast.
310.                     Vehement – Adjective – Intensely emotional
a.       I am vehement about freedom of speech.
311.                     Versatility – Noun – The quality of being able to change quickly
a.       Versatility is important in business.
312.                     Vogue – Noun – That which is fashionable or popular
a.       This outfit is very vogue.  I wonder if it will be popular in two years?
313.                     Volatile – Adjective – Tending to erupt in violence
a.       Relationships between rival sports teams can be volatile.
314.                     Wholesome – Adjective – Good or sound in body, mind or morals
a.       This TV show is very wholesome.
315.                     Widespread – Adjective – Widely spread out; greatly diffused
a.       There was widespread damage from the forest fires.
316.                     Wield – Verb – To handle or manage
a.       My boss wields power like an insane person.
317.                     Wonders – Noun – Anything that causes astonishment or admiration
a.       There are many wonders to see in the Turkey.
318.                     Worker – Noun – A person who is paid for manual labor
a.       I am a worker at an assembly plant in Galatasaray.
319.                     Zeal – Noun – Eager and ardent interest in pursuit of something; passion
a.       There is zeal for missionary work at many churches.
