Friday, January 25, 2013

Toefl Word List

  1. Abate – Verb – To lessen, to subside : azalmak
  2. Abet  - V – To help, to aid : yardım etmek
  3. Abhor – V – To hate, to detest : nefret etmek
  4. Abject – Adj. – miserable, wretched: sefil, perişan
  5. Abruptly – Adv.- suddenly, unexpectedly: aniden, beklenmedik bir şekilde
  6. Absorbed – Adj.- interested, engrossed: kendini fazlaca bir işe kaptırmış
  7. Absurdly – Adverb – Ridiculously, unreasonably
    1. The man laughed absurdly and the joke wasn’t even funny.
  8. Abundant – Adv.- plentiful: bol
  9. Abuse – Verb – To injure, damage or improperly uses
    1. It is wrong to abuse animals.
  10. Accessible – Adjective – Able to be reached
    1. The bus is accessible to all Ann Arbor residents.
  11. Accomplice – N – one who aids and abets a criminal: suç ortağı
  12. Accost – V- to meet someone and to speak first: yanına gidip konuşmak
  13. Accurate –N- correct: doğru
  14. Acrid – Adj.-sharp, bitter: keskin , acı
  15. Accuracy – Noun – Correct, free from mistake
    1. Accuracy is important when you type.
  16. Acquire – Verb – To come into possession of, to get
    1. I acquired my father’s car after his death.
  17. Adapt – Verb – To make fit, often by modification, adjust
    1. It is important to adapt your clothing to the weather.        
  18. Adjacent – Adjective – Nearby, next to
    1. My pen is adjacent to my book.
  19. Adjusting – Verb – Changing or resolving to conform
    1. I am adjusting my schedule so that I can go on vacation.
  20. Administer – Verb – To manage or supervise the use of something
    1. I administer the office supplies at work.
  21. Adolescent – Noun – The age between puberty and maturity, teenager
    1. Adolescents are often sad.
  22. Adopt – Verb – To take up or take on by choice
    1. You should adopt a new hobby.
  23. Adverse – Adjective – To act opposite of a direction
    1. Most people learn from adverse situations. 
  24. Advocate – Verb – To plead in favor of (Noun – Someone who pleads in favor of)
    1. I advocate for animal rights.
  25. Affinity – Noun – An attraction
    1. I have an affinity for chocolate.
  26. Affluent – Adjective – Having an abundance
    1. Not many tutors are affluent.
  27. Ailment – Noun – A bodily disorder or chronic disease
    1. What ailment do you have?

  1. Alliance – Noun – Connection, association
    1. I have made an alliance with my neighbors.
  2. Allot – Verb – To give a portion
    1. I will allot 90 minutes to our studies.
  3. Amenities – Noun – Something that creates a feeling of comfort or convenience
    1. The amenities in the hotel were great!
  4. Amicable – Adjective – Peaceful, friendly
    1. The divorce was amicable.
  5. Amiss – Adjective – Not being right, faulty
    1. Something is amiss in this room.
  6. Antagonist – Noun – Adversary, opponent
    1. Jeff is my antagonist at work.
  7. Anticipate – Verb – To give advanced thought, treatment or feeling, to foresee
    1. I anticipated your need for sentences.
  8. Apathy – Noun – A lack of feeling or emotion, indifference
    1. Apathy is common among teenagers.
  9. Appalled – Verb – To feel shock or disgust
    1. I am appalled by his lack of hygiene.
  10. Appease – Verb – To pacify
    1. I want to appease the angry man.
  11. Aptitude – Noun – Natural ability, tendency
    1. You have an aptitude for sports.
  12. Aromatic – Adjective – Having a strong smell, fragrant
    1. The candles were very aromatic.
  13. Assets – Noun – The resources/property of a person, business or association
    1. My house is my greatest asset.         
  14. Atmospheric – Adjective – Relating to or resembling the air surrounding the earth
    1. The atmospheric conditions today make it seem like spring.
  15. Attract – Verb – To draw toward oneself
    1. My garden attracts many butterflies.
  16. Attribute – Noun – An inherent characteristic or quality
    1. What is your best attribute?
  17. Audible – Adjective – Able to be heard
    1. The TV is barely audible, please turn it up.
  18. Augment – Verb – To make greater or more intense
    1. It is important to augment tutoring with home study time.
  19. Autonomous – Adjective – Self governing
    1. Our tutoring sessions are autonomous.
  20. Averse – Adjective – Undesirable
    1. An averse outcome to bad weather is the flu.
  21. Avid – Adjective – Characterized by enthusiasm
    1. I am an avid pet owner.
  22. Aware – Adjective – Having perception, knowledge or watchfulness
    1. Are you aware of the noise in this room?
  23. Awkwardly – Adverb – Lacking in grace or dexterity
    1. I awkwardly introduced myself last night.

  1. Behave – Verb – To conduct yourself properly
    1. It is important for children to behave in public.
  2. Betrayed – Verb – To fail a trust or promise, a traitor
    1. Divorce is common if a person is betrayed by their spouse.
  3. Binoculars – Noun – An instrument for seeing far off objects
    1. You should use binoculars to watch birds.
  4. Bipartisan – Adjective – Involving members of two opposing parties
    1. Issues like the environment should be bipartisan.
  5. Blizzard – Noun – Severe snowstorm
    1. We only had one blizzard this winter.
  6. Bounce – Verb – To cause to rebound
    1. Children like to bounce balls.
  7. Boundary – Noun – A separating line, something that indicates fixed limits
    1. The US and Canada share a boundary.
  8. Bountiful – Adjective – Having a lot, plentiful
    1. Trees are bountiful in Ann Arbor.
  9. Brief – Adjective – Short length or duration, concise (Noun – official letter/ruling)
    1. Give a brief summary of this book.
  10. Brink – Noun – The top edge of a steep place
    1. I am at the brink of the cliff.
  11. Callous – Adjective – Hardened or thick skinned
    1. I have a callous on my hand.
  12. Capitulate – Verb – To give up or cease resisting
    1. I will never capitulate to people who are dishonest.
  13. Catastrophic – Adjective – The final dramatic or tragic event
    1. The death of a child is catastrophic.
  14. Cessation – N – To stop
    1. Smoking cessation products are expensive.
  15. Chagrin – Noun – Distressed by humiliation, disappointment or failure
    1. My dog is chagrin when he gets in trouble.
  16. Chore – Noun – A routine task or job
    1. Many children have chores around the house.
  17. Circumvent – Verb – To avoid or bypass often in decision making
    1. Don’t try to circumvent your boss.
  18. Citrus – Noun – The group of fruits that includes oranges, lemons, grapefruit, etc.
    1. Did you plant that citrus tree?
  19. Clarify – Verb – To make understood
    1. Let me clarify what I meant.
  20. Classified – Verb – To arrange in categories
    1. I classified all my clothes by colors.
  21. Claustrophobia – Noun – Extreme or abnormal fear of being in small spaces
    1. Claustrophobia effects many people.
  22. Clientele – Noun – A group of clients
    1. My clientele is not rich.
  1. Coax – Verb – To gently influence by flattery
    1. I tried to coax my dog out in the rain.
  2. Collaborate – Verb – To work with others, usually in an intellectual endeavor
    1. We should collaborate on the direction of your studies.
  3. Collate – Verb – To collect, compile or arrange in order
    1. I collated the documents.
  4. Combat – Verb – To struggle against or fight
    1. I want to combat mosquitoes in my yard.
  5. Commendable – Adjective -- Praiseworthy
    1. Your work is commendable.
  6. Commuter – Noun – Someone in the act of traveling
    1. I don’t live in the dorms, I’m a commuter student.
  7. Compare – Verb – To examine in order to find similarities and differences
    1. You should compare prices when you shop.
  8. Compatible – Adjective – Able to exist in harmony
    1. Are you and your wife compatible?
  9. Compete – Verb – To strive for an object or win, such as position, profit or prize
    1. Will you compete in the Olympics this year?
  10. Complacent – Adjective – Unconcerned
    1. Tutors are not complacent about their teaching.
  11. Complement – Noun – Counterpart, something that makes perfect or completes
    1. You spouse is your greatest complement.
  12. Complexity – Noun – The quality of being complicated
    1. The complexity of your vocabulary is impressive.
  13. Compliant – Adjective – To conform to another’s wishes, to obey
    1. You are a compliant student.
  14. Compliment – Noun – A flattering remark, expression of esteem, respect
    1. May I compliment you on your food.
  15. Component – Noun – A part or piece
    1. Only one component on the refrigerator is broken.
  16. Comprehendible – Adjective – Able to be understood
    1. All these sentences are comprehendible.
  17. Concentrate – Verb – To gather or collect focus
    1. You must concentrate when the TV is on.
  18. Concise – Adjective – Brief or succinct, not detailed
    1. Please be concise in explaining your job.
  19. Confer – Verb – To consult or come together to compare opinions
    1. I will confer with my family before making plans.
  20. Confide – Verb – To trust or share secrets
    1. You should confide in your spouse.
  21. Consensus – Noun – Group agreement on a belief
    1. The consensus is that we should not use workbooks.
  22. Consequent – Adjective – Following as a result of or effect of
    1. My consequent actions are your fault.         
  1. Conservative – Adjective – Tending to maintain existing conditions, traditional
    1. Republicans are conservatives.
  2. Consistent – Adjective – Free from irregularity
    1. You must be consistent when you vote.
  3. Consolidate – Verb – To unite or join together
    1. If partners consolidate their assets, they can often afford early retirement.
  4. Consumed – Verb – To eat or drink or use up, often in great quantity
    1. I consumed half the cake on my birthday.
  5. Contentment – Noun – Free from care or discomfort
    1. I am content to own a home.
  6. Contrary – Noun – The opposite
    1. Contrary to popular belief, not all Americans are Christians.
  7. Controversy – Noun – A disagreement, dispute
    1. The controversy over gay marriage will be important in November.
  8. Council – Noun – A group elected or appointed as an administrative body
    1. I am a member of the city council.
  9. Counsel – Verb – To advise or give suggestion
    1. I would counsel you to attend University of Michigan.
  10. Crucial – Adjective -- Essential
    1. This is a crucial point in your lesson.
  11. Cuisine – Noun – A style of cooking
    1. I enjoy restaurants that serve Italian cuisine.
  12. Culminate – Verb – To reach a decisive point
    1. Our lesson will culminate in improving your English.
  13. Currently – Adverb – Happening now
    1. Currently, I have only 3 students.
  14. Cynical – Adjective – An attitude that is distrustful of life and human nature
    1. I am not a cynical person.
109.                     Damage – Noun – Loss or harm resulting from injury to person, property or reputation
a.       Please don’t damage the library book.
  1. Debris – Noun – The remains of something broken down or destroyed; ruins
    1. Carry the debris out to the garbage.
  2. Decade – Noun – A period of ten years
    1. It has been a decade since I’ve seen my friend.
  3. Deceased – Adjective – Not living
    1. My father is deceased.
  4. Deed – Noun – A notable act, a feat
    1. My deeds will make me famous.
  5. Deficiency – Noun – Not up to the normal standard, defective, inadequate
    1. His deficiency is well known.
  6. Deliberately – Adjective -- Intentionally
    1. I did not deliberately drop the box.
  7. Dependent – Adjective – Relying on another for support
    1. I am not dependent on anyone.
  8. Deplorable – Adjective – Bad or awful
    1. His deplorable actions caused a fight.
  9. Despite – Preposition – In spite of or without regard to
    1. Despite my worry, nothing bad happened.
  10. Detrimental – Adjective – Harmful
    1. Cocaine is detrimental to your health.
  11. Devastate – Verb – To ruin or reduce to chaos
    1. War devastated my home town.
  12. Devised – Verb – To plot or invent
    1. We must devise a way to win the election.
  13. Dilemma – Noun – A choice or situation involving equally unsatisfactory alternatives
    1. You will have a dilemma if you are accepted to two schools.
  14. Diligent – Adjective – Earnest, steady effort
    1. I will be diligent in studying for the TOEFL.
  15. Direct – Verb – To show, point out or encourage to move
    1. Please direct me to the bathroom.
  16. Disconcerting – Adjective – Upset or lose composure
    1. It is disconcerting that diligence doesn’t always help.
  17. Dispense – Verb – To give out a portion
    1. Please dispense the papers to the class.
  18. Disperse – Verb – To spread, break up or distribute
    1. Please disperse these seeds in the garden.
  19. Disposal – Noun – To have on hand or available
    1. Diet Pepsi is always at my disposal.
  20. Disreputable – Adjective – Having a negative reputation
    1. Many employers are disreputable.
  21. Dissent – Verb – To differ in opinion
    1. There was dissent among the employees.
  22. Dissolve – Verb – To make into a solution, to melt
    1. Dissolve the powder in water before serving.
  23. Donate – Verb – To make a gift, most often to a public or charitable cause
    1. Do you donate your time as a volunteer?
  24. Drag – Verb – To pull slowly or heavily
    1. I had to drag myself out of bed this morning.
  25. Easygoing – Adjective – Comfortable, unhurried, taking life easy
    1. I appreciate easygoing people.
  26. Elapse – Verb – To pass or slip away
    1. The time elapsed to bring the felon to justice.
  27. Elicit – Verb – To draw out or request
    1. I will elicit information from the employees.
  28. Eliminate – Verb – To get rid of
    1. You should eliminate all worry from your mind or you won’t get any sleep.
  29. Emigrate – Verb – To leave one’s home or country for a life elsewhere
    1. I emigrated from Turkey.
  30. Encroach – Verb – To advance past the usual limits, to trespass
    1. The border of Israel is encroaching upon Palastine.
  31. Enhance – Verb – To make greater
    1. I want to enhance my vocabulary.
  32. Entice – Verb – To tempt, arouse hope or desire
    1. Can I entice you to buy cookies?
  33. Equitable – Adjective – Exhibiting fairness
    1. My pay is not equitable to the other employees.
  34. Escalate – Verb – To increase in volume or intensity
    1. I don’t want our argument to escalate.
  35. Evasive – Adjective – Tending to avoid
    1. Criminals are evasive.
  36. Exceed – Verb – To go above or beyond the expected limit
    1. The total exceeds my ability to pay.
  37. Excluded – Verb – To stop from participating
a.       Women are excluded from being Priest.
  1. Exhilaration – Noun – Feeling of extreme excitement
    1. I was exhilarated during the last football game.
  2. Explicit – Adjective – Unreserved and unambiguous, free from vagueness
    1. I was explicit in my directions.
  3. Extravagant – Adjective – Excessively elaborate
    1. I made an extravagant purchase today.
  4. Fad – Noun – A practice or interest followed for a short time with exaggerated
    1. enthusiasm
    2. These jeans are a fad.
  5. Fee – Noun – A fixed charge for an item or service
    1. There is a fee for the taxi.
  6. Ferocious – Adjective – Exhibiting fierceness and the potential for violence
    1. Few dogs are ferocious.
  7. Fierce – Adjective – Aggressive, vehement
    1. We had a fierce discussion about the President’s decision.
  8. Flirtatious – Adjective – Inclined to show superficial interest or liking
    1. My husband is not flirtatious.
  9. Formerly – Adverb – Previously
    1. I formerly lived in Ann Arbor.
  10. Forte – Noun – One’s strong point or niche
    1. The game of poker is not my forte.

  1. Forthcoming – Adjective – About to appear
    1. My ideas are forthcoming.
  2. Frugal – Adjective – Economically spending resources
    1. I am very frugal with my money.
  3. Furnace – Noun – A mechanical device in a home which produces heat
    1. My furnace has never broken down.
  4. Futile – Adjective – Of no useful purpose
    1. It is futile to try and save this animal.
  5. Gourmet – Noun – An expert in food and wine
    1. He is a French gourmet.
  6. Gracious – Adjective – Marked by kindness and courtesy
    1. Your invitation was very gracious.
  7. Grievous – Adjective – Serious, grave, oppressive
    1. Many customers have grievous concerns about this restaurant.
  8. Habitat – Noun – The place or type of area where a plant or animal normally lives
    1. The wolf’s habitat is being distroyed.
  9. Halt – Verb – To stop
    1. The deputy told me to halt before putting on the handcuffs.
  10. Hazardous – Adjective – Risky or potentially dangerous
    1. Driving can be hazardous in the winter.
  11. Humble – Adjective – Not proud, not arrogant
    1. The humble person often learns the most.
  12. Illicit – Adjective – Outside the law
    1. Do you sell illicit drugs?
  13. Illiterate – Adjective – Unable to read or write
    1. How many adults are illiterate in your country?
  14. Illusion – Noun – A misleading image or vision
    1. There is an illusion that all Americans are wealthy.
  15. Immigrate – V- To enter and become established, often in a country where you are
    1.       I want to immigrate to the Hungary.
  16. Immobile – Adjective – Unable to move
    1. You should stay immobile while I throw this knife.
  17. Immodest – Adjective – Indecent, not dressing or behaving in the proper way
    1. When you dress immodestly, men get the wrong idea.
  18. Impartial – Adjective – Not biased, treating all equally
    1. It is important to have an impartial judge.
  19. Impasse – Noun – A problem with no obvious conclusion
    1. We came to an impasse at the meeting.
  20. Impediment – Noun – Something that interferes or slows progress
    1. A boyfriend can be an impediment to studying.
  21. Implement – Verb – To accomplish or carry out
    1. I would like to implement a new rule.
  22. Implicit – Adjective – Being without doubt or reserve, unquestioning
    1. Honesty is an implicit aspect of my character.
  23. Imply – Verb – To express indirectly
    1. Are you implying that I lied?
  24. Inadequate – Adjective – Not sufficient
    1. I feel my explanation was inadequate.
  25. Incalculable – Adjective – Not able to predict
    1. There is an incalculable cost to legalizing abortion.
  26. Incapable – Adjective – Lacking ability
    1. I am incapable of learning Chinese.
  27. Incentive – Noun – Something that encourages an action or behavior
    1. I’ll give you an incentive to do a better job.
  28. Incessant – Adjective – Continuous without interruption
    1. The garrulous woman spoke incessantly.
  29. Incoherent – Adjective – Disorganized, lacking in continuity, unable to understand
    1. If you are very sick, you may become incoherent.
  30. Incompetent – Adjective – Not effective, inadequate
    1. I am not incompetent.
  31. Indicative – Adjective – Serving as a sign or symbol
    1. A cough is indicative of a cold.
  32. Inept – Adjective – Unfit, lacking in fitness or aptitude, incompetent
    1. My secretary is very inept.
  33. Inequitable – Adjective -- Unfair
    1. The pay raise was inequitable.
  34. Inevitable – Adjective – Unable to be avoided or evaded
    1. It is inevitable that you will die.
  35. Infallible – Adjective – Incapable of error
    1. The Bible is said to be infallible.
  36. Infection – Noun – Contamination often resulting from injury
    1. I do not have an infection.
  37. Infringe – Verb – To encroach or trespass
    1. I don’t want to infringe on your space, but can I set my pop here?
  38. Infuriate – Verb – To make extremely angry
    1. My son infuriates me when he comes home late.
  39. Initiate – Verb – To facilitate the beginning of
    1. I will initiate you into Washtenaw Literacy.
  40. Insert – Verb – To put, add or thrust in
    1. I’d like to insert one idea.
  41. Instability – Noun – Being not permanent, reliable or consistent; easily collapsed
    1. Instability in a building can be caused by fire or earthquake.

  1. Insurgent – Noun – A person who revolts against an established authority
    1. The insurgent killed many police.
  2. Intend – Verb – Signify or mean
    1. I intend to complain to your manager.
  3. Interacting – Verb – To act on each other
    1. I enjoy interacting with people from other countries.
  4. Interim – Adverb – Temporary, the time between two things
    1. In the interim, I will read.
  5. Interrupt – Verb – To stop by breaking in
    1. I don’t mean to interrupt, but can I ask a question now?
  6. Intimate – Adjective – Close association, contact or familiarity
    1. My friends know the most intimate details of my life.
  7. Intricate – Adjective – Complicated; having many parts
    1. Your necklace is very intricate!
  8. Inundate – Verb – To overwhelm or overflow
    1. I am inundated at work so won’t be home until late tonight.
  9. Invincible – Adjective – Unable to be conquered
    1. Many heroes seem invincible.
  10. Irreparable – Adjective – Not able to fix
    1. You have done irreparable damage to the car.
  11. Judicious – Adverb – Having or exercising careful thinking or opinion
    1. Use a judicious amount of garlic when cooking.
  12. Lack – Verb – To be without
    1. I lack the skill to connect the electricity in the house.
  13. Landlord – Noun – The owner of a property which is rented
    1. My landlord is very fair.
  14. Landmark – Noun – A conspicuous object on land that marks a place
    1. The Quad is a landmark on campus.
  15. Lease – Noun – The contract showing a rental agreement
    1. Do you have a lease for your apartment?
  16. Legislate – Verb – To make or enact laws
    1. We often legislate moral decisions.
  17. Lenient – Adjective – Of mild or tolerant disposition
    1. My parents were very lenient when I was young.
  18. Litigation – Noun – A legal contest
    1. Litigation is very expensive.
  19. Lobster – Noun – Edible seafood with big claws
a.       I love lobster ravioli.
  1. Longevity – Noun – The length of life
    1. Longevity can be increased by proper diet and exercise.
  2. Lucrative – Adjective – Producing well, profitable
    1. A career in law is very lucrative.
  3. Mature – Adjective – Beyond the growth phase of life; ripe; adult
    1. The tree is not mature yet.
  4. Meander – Verb – To wander
    1. I like to meander when I shop.
  5. Mediocre – Adjective – Of average quality; ordinary
    1. It is better to be bad at something than mediocre.
  6. Militant – Adjective – Actively aggressive; combative
    1. Some countries are more militant than others.
  7. Monosyllabic – Adjective – One syllable, conspicuously brief
    1. Teenagers will often use monosyllabic speech.
  8. Monotheist – Noun – A person who believes in one God
    1. Many religions are monotheistic.
  9. Multilingual – Adjective Having more than one language
    1. Did you receive a multilingual education?
  10. Negate – Verb – To deny the truth or existence of
    1. I don’t want to negate you idea, but it is wrong.
  11. Negligent – Adjective – Typically careless or deficient in performing duties 
    1. I was negligent in not adding more water to the pot.
  12. Nevertheless – Adverb – In spite of, however
    1. Nevertheless, I like bright colors.
  13. Nonchalant – Adjective – Unworried, unconcerned
    1. I don’t know how you can be so nonchalant about your score.
  14. Notorious – Adjective – Generally known and talked about; implies negative
    1. My father was notorious for his wit.
  15. Obituary – Noun – The notice of a person’s death, usually includes a short biographical
    1. account
    2. Did you read the obituary in today’s paper?
  16. Obnoxious – Adjective -- Disgusting
    1. My neighbor is so obnoxious.
  17. Observe – Verb – To inspect or take note of
    1. Did you observe the man stealing the money?
  18. Occur – Verb – To take place or happen
    1. It occurred on April 5th, 1975.
  19. Ostentatious – Adjective – Often engaging in a showy or conspicuous display
    1. The jewelry is very ostentatious.
  20. Ought – Auxiliary Verb – Used to express obligation
    1. You ought to rake your lawn this week.
  21. Overdo – Verb – To do in excess
    1. Don’t overdo it when you are sick.
  22. Overgrown – Verb – To grow or expand beyond the normal limits
    1. The bush is overgrown.
  23. Pace – Verb – To proceed at a measured speed
    1. Be sure to pace yourself or you will run out of energy before you have completed
    2. the task.
  24. Palatial – Adjective – Magnificent, suitable to a palace
    1. Weber’s is a palatial hotel.
  25. Pamper – Verb – To treat with extreme care and attention
    1. You should pamper children when they are sick.

  1. Panacea – Noun – A cure all; a remedy for all difficulties
    1. Money is not a panacea.
  2. Paramount – Adjective – Superior to all others; supreme
    1. The paramount hotel in Ann Arbor is Weber’s.
  3. Participants – Noun – People who take part in an activity
    1. Participants in English class are often happy.
  4. Permeate – Verb – To spread throughout
    1. The odor of garlic permeates the kitchen when you cook.
  5. Pertinent – Adjective – Having importance or clear relevance
    1. This idea is not pertinent to our problem.
  6. Placidly – Adverb – Free from interruption or disturbance; quietly
    1. I placidly waited for the bus.
  7. Polytheist – Noun – A person who believes in multiple Gods
    1. Few people are polytheists.
  8. Potency – Noun – Being forceful or powerful
    1. The potency of my soup has not been tasted.
  9. Potpourri – Noun – A scented mixture of flowers, herbs and spices
    1. Do you like potpourri?
  10. Precedence – Noun – The priority of importance
    1. There is no precedence for giving you vacation.
  11. Predecessor – Noun – The person who previously occupied a position or office
    1. My predecessor was a good organizer.
  12. Predicament – Noun – A difficult, confusing or trying situation
    1. My predicament is causing me to lose sleep at night.
  13. Predict – Verb – To foretell or declare in advance
    1. I often can predict the weather.
  14. Pride – Noun – A reasonable or justifiable self respect
    1. Pride can be unbecoming.
  15. Processing – Verb – Gradual changing to produce a particular result
    1. I am processing your request.
  16. Profound – Adjective – Having intellectual depth and insight
    1. This idea is profound.
  17. Prohibit – Verb – To forbid by authority
    1. You should prohibit the children from jumping on the bed.
  18. Prolific – Adjective – Productive or fruitful
    1. He is a prolific writer.
  19. Proponents – Noun – One who argues in favor of something; advocate
    1. I am a proponent of animal rights.
  20. Propose – Verb – To offer up a suggestion
    1. I’d like to propose a solution.
  21. Rapport – Noun – A relationship marked by comfort and harmony
    1. I have a good rapport with my relatives.
  22. Ravage – Verb – To be violent and destructive
    1. My dog ravaged my garden this summer.
  23. Receive – Verb – To acquire or come into the possession of
    1. Did you receive my email?
  24. Refer – Verb – To have a connection to; related
    1. You should refer him to your manager.
  25. Reimbursement – Noun – To repay someone for the equivalent amount spent
    1. I expect reimbursement for these expenses.
  26. Rejuvenating – Verb – To restore to a younger or newer state
    1. A bath can be very rejuvenating.
  27. Relentless – Adjective -- Persistent
    1. My cat is relentless when she wants attention.
  28. Resilient – Adjective – Tending to recover or adjust easily; capable of withstanding
    1. shock
    2. Children are very resilient.
  29. Reverberate – Verb – To echo
    1. The sound reverberates in my room.
  30. Roots – Noun – The original source or underground part of a plant or tree
    1. The roots of the tree are huge.
  31. Rudimentary – Adjective – Consisting of the first or primary principles
    1. Spelling is rudimentary to writing.
  32. Ruthless – Adjective – Having no compassion for the misery of others; without
    1. sympathy
    2. My boss is ruthless in his business practices.
274.                     Sage – Noun/Adjective – Someone who is wise through reflection/experience
a.       In all your sage knowledge, what is the meaning of life?
275.                     Sane – Adjective – Antonym of crazy
a.       The crazy man said, “you are wrong, I am sane!”
276.                     Sardonic – Adjective – Mocking; disdainfully humorous; sarcastic
a.       I don’t appreciate your sardonic joke!
277.                     Scold – Verb – To rebuke or reproach; to find fault in words
a.       I scolded my daughter for telling a lie.
278.                     Screwdriver – Noun – A hand held tool
a.       Give me a screwdriver to fix this box.
279.                     Segregation – Noun – The separation or isolation of people based on race, class
a.       or ethnic group
b.      Segregation has been illegal in the US since the fifties.
280.                     Semblance – Noun – The outward appearance of
a.       There is a semblance of order in most classrooms.
281.                     Skeptical – Adjective – Characterized by an attitude of doubt or uncertainty
a.       I am skeptical of all “get rich quick” deals.
282.                     Soaring – Verb -- Flying
a.       The soaring bird was very graceful.
283.                     Solidify – Verb – To make solid, compact or hard
a.       We will solidify our relationship by marrying.
284.                     Stereotype – Noun – A general opinion of members of a particular group that
a.       represents an oversimplified attitude
b.      The stereotype of Americans is that we are all rich.

285.                     Stirred – Verb – A slight movement that mixes, agitates or provokes
a.       Please stir the ingredients in this bowl.
286.                     Strenuously – Adjective – Vigorously active; calls for stamina
a.       I strenuously object to your use of vocabulary.
287.                     Submissive – Adjective – Submitting to others; tame
a.       Most woman are expected to be submissive to their husbands.
288.                     Subtle – Adjective – A small difference; delicate
a.       The subtle taste of pork in the dinner was overlooked.
289.                     Suffice – Verb – To satisfy a need; to be sufficient
a.       Suffice it to say, you have worked hard to pass toefl.
290.                     Superficial – Adjective – Of or relating to the surface; shallow
a.       My relationship with him is very superficial.
291.                     Superstition – Noun – A belief or practice resulting from ignorance, fear, trust in
a.       magic or chance
b.      Many Americans believe the superstition that 13 is an unlucky number.
292.                     Synopsis – Noun – A condensed version
a.       Please give a synopsis of the book you read.
293.                     Taint – Verb – To spoil or corrupt
a.       The cheese tastes tainted.
294.                     Temporary – Adjective – Lasting a short time; opposite of permanent
a.       My job is only temporary.
295.                     Tenacious – Adjective – Strong or tough; not easily distracted or confused
a.       Many wild animals are tenacious.
296.                     Timid – Adjective – Lacking in boldness or self confidence
a.       Many children are timid around adults.
297.                     Tolerate – Verb – To endure without injury or contradiction
a.       I will not tolerate your behavior.
298.                     Transplant – Verb – To remove from one place and settle in to another
a.       I need to transplant this tree to another spot in the yard.
299.                     Treat – Verb – To deal with or handle
a.       I will treat you with respect only if you respect me.
300.                     Tremble – Verb – To shake or shiver involuntarily
a.       When I am frightened, I tremble.
301.                     Tremendous – Adjective – Astonishing by reason of extreme greatness,
a.       excellence, size or power
b.      You have made me tremendously happy.
302.                     Ultimately – Adverb – In the end; finally
a.       Ultimately, you will learn English.
303.                     Uncompromising – Adjective – Inflexible; not willing to make concessions
a.       I am uncompromising in my expectations that you study at home.
304.                     Unerring – Adjective – Without mistakes; faultless
a.       Many people believe the bible is unerring.
305.                     Unilateral – Adjective – Done by one person or party
a.       The US often makes unilateral decisions.
306.                     Unlikely – Adjective -- Improbable
a.       It is unlikely to have two car accidents in one week.
307.                     Urban – Adjective – Of or relating to the city
a.       I live in an urban area.
308.                     Vague – Adjective – Not clearly defined; not having a precise meaning
a.       There is a vague difference between “vague” and “subtle”.
309.                     Vast – Adjective – Great in size, amount or degree
a.       The US is vast.
310.                     Vehement – Adjective – Intensely emotional
a.       I am vehement about freedom of speech.
311.                     Versatility – Noun – The quality of being able to change quickly
a.       Versatility is important in business.
312.                     Vogue – Noun – That which is fashionable or popular
a.       This outfit is very vogue.  I wonder if it will be popular in two years?
313.                     Volatile – Adjective – Tending to erupt in violence
a.       Relationships between rival sports teams can be volatile.
314.                     Wholesome – Adjective – Good or sound in body, mind or morals
a.       This TV show is very wholesome.
315.                     Widespread – Adjective – Widely spread out; greatly diffused
a.       There was widespread damage from the forest fires.
316.                     Wield – Verb – To handle or manage
a.       My boss wields power like an insane person.
317.                     Wonders – Noun – Anything that causes astonishment or admiration
a.       There are many wonders to see in the Turkey.
318.                     Worker – Noun – A person who is paid for manual labor
a.       I am a worker at an assembly plant in Galatasaray.
319.                     Zeal – Noun – Eager and ardent interest in pursuit of something; passion
a.       There is zeal for missionary work at many churches.

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